Sunday, April 30, 2017

Answering the Self Care question

This months magazine from ABMP (Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals), is completely dedicated to investing in regular self care.. What does that mean? I can't pretend to have all the answers or even some of the answers, what I can do is tell you, what it means to me..
As a therapist, who also receives regular massages, I have had my troubles with the regularity of it.. What I love about the current state of the world is that we are much more open-hearted when it comes to self care and I am very appreciative of the fact that massage is part of that.. But massage isn't our only option, although there are many types of massage that offer different benefits, because it isn't a cure all, sometimes it simply doesn't work for everybody or every ailment.. But doing deep personal work does especially when it comes to pain.. And it is so much more effective than most of us realize or wish..   Deep personal work doesn't have to be challenging or overwhelming.. Deep personal work is about increasing our awareness.. Pretend it's a muscle, that just needs a little work and some regular practice.. One of the things I love and it happens every time I get on a plane, the flight attendants go through their usual banter, eventually they get to the before you help someone else with their oxygen mask be sure to put on your own FIRST.. Its brilliant really, and I love when the Southwest flight attendants sometimes tease wives about their husbands.. It makes me laugh every time.. But it's something we just get used to hearing, picture your self care and your deep personal work as the same thing. Yes, it's easier to take care of others as our distraction but not always the best decision for us.. And can be very detrimental to our own health.

Let's talk about some very simple things we can do regularly to help increase our awareness muscle and  take care of our physical beings at the same time like walking, any walking, how bout simply from your desk to the restroom.. Practice focusing simply on your breathe and ask yourself, "Am I breathing" or "Am I just trying to go and rush back to my desk as soon as possible?".. It's a simple but important question.. How about checking in on your posture, good posture will eliminate fatigue. What is good posture, it's shoulders over hips at all times. They move in the same plane, which means if you're leaning forward your hips must go with you, if you're sitting back in your chair your shoulders don't drop, they stay broad, no rounding shoulders or collapsing ribs..

Let's talk about some deep personal work questions; like "Am I stressed or going with the flow?" Simple, yes that's a very simple question, and tension is usually because we are worrying and worry hasn't ever made a single problem better, ever.. Would you like to know what makes all things better? Yes, you guessed it, and anyone who knows me knows my answer.. LOVE!! Love makes everything better!! How about instead of getting stuck in the usual, how about you ask yourself "what would love do?" Or ask "what would Jesus do?" The energy is all the same, we are free to call or label it anything we like. It doesn't matter, YOU MATTER!! Remember that!! You are the most important person in the universe!! Act like it, by giving yourself more room for regular self care.. Include massage, please and by all means, yes and yes. Include working out/going to the gym, I never really liked that phrase, but yes and yes.. Include some down time by breathing and checking in on yourself, reflect with someone if you can any issue that is making you worry or feel concerned.. Speech it our greatest gift, one we are freely using in good ways and bad but remember how you feel mattes!!.. Be kind to each other and remember, place your oxygen mask on first and then turn and help the person sitting next to you.. Your entire world will thank you for it..

Until next time!! LOVE and many many HUGS..

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