It's been exactly one month to the day since I ran a race that changed my life..
Wow, that seems so crazy to feel that way. But it is whole heartedly true..
I ran a Tough Mudder Half on March 19th 2017.. I had intended initially to run this race in Tahoe last June but as life would have it, it didn't turn out that way. I had some pretty horrific foot pain and my partner had some life issues that couldn't be avoided.. So I postponed it, until I was ready. I'm not sure we are ever really ready for big challenges, somehow I think the secret is just showing up and giving all you've got and then it's pretty much a wait and see. My race was definitely a wait and see. In fact I wasn't sure until the last possible moment that I'd do it. As it usually works out, I conquered my fear and got through it. And yes I most definitely and amazingly had a tremendous amount of help. I've never done anything like it, I wouldn't say I was super fit doing it but somehow I managed to cross the finish line and not die afterwards.. Incredibly, I'm pretty sure that had a lot to do with the location location location.. How can ya go wrong with racing in New Orleans… The people, the food, the music all of it is absolutely incredible!! I was very lucky!!
It certainly was an amazing experience, one I'm not sure I would have done without some divine inspiration.. I had come across an Instagram post sometime late in the fall of 2015, at that time in my life I still felt so lost, like a ship without an anchor.. I'd been sick and a cure didn't seem possible and I just didn't want to do and be who I was anymore.. I just went searching. Sometimes the internet can be a blessing and a gift. I found a person whom a year earlier did this race(Tough Mudder London West), and was so happy to do it again even though the previous year they injured themselves. Somehow that didn't matter. They were really excited and so joyful at the opportunity to do it again.. I really don't know what exactly made me think in that moment that I could do that race, but I absolutely had the thought, "I can do that." And shortly after I started recruiting people to do the race with me.. As it turned out I ended up doing the race alone, which really only lasted about five minutes. I had people talking to me the second I got to the event. I met an inspiring volunteer and she really helped me to believe that the race is possible even if I had to power walk it.. And from there on the course I lost a shoe and had some amazing women help me put it back on. And then we were off racing, they adopted me the minute they found out I was out there alone. All in all, life is about choosing our challenges and then making sure we celebrate the victories!! No matter how small because there are so many who would love to simply face our challenges instead of their own..
Below in the photo collage; is listed as follows and to reiterate the importance of connecting with people. Because the only reason I have any photos from race day is that I met an amazing volunteer name Tracy Henry.. She was awesome!! And a fabulous photographer of my only race images.. I couldn't find any photos of me on the Tough Mudder website. I am and will always be eternally grateful for her willingness to stick around and photo my finish!! Thank you Tracy! Also included in my collage is the tokens I carried with me from all the supporters I had back home.. Thank you all, I am truly blessed!!
Photos in order; My "Mudder Roar;" The gang that got me through L-R Twinkle, Joe, Toni, me and Richard (Twinkles husband and son). Next is the list of tokens; again L-R the red jiggle bell is from a friend, it's to "believe," the silver ring is part of a friends wedding band, its got tiny diamonds to represent the river(water ever flowing). The rectangular stone says, "You are loved" it's from my sister-in-law, she's always loved me for me! Next to that is a pedant from my biggest cheerleader a friend I've only recently gotten to know through training. It says, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us." Next to that is a purple stone its amethyst it's my Mothers birthstone.. Next is a green heart shaped stone which is jade, it's from my twin sister, it represents self reliance. Next is a blue stone it's a calming stone and it's from my older and dearest friend here in Idaho. And last but not least is a skeleton key, for me from me… To remind me that life isn't about what we have or what we do, it's about who we are in our bones.. And bottom right photo is my after race glow!!
What a huge blessing it is to be able to express my experience and how this race helped me find my voice and has helped me to believe that healing isn't a location and that life is never finished. The end is truly, just the beginning in disguise.. Something I think we all could use, it's just under all that we think is holding us back.. Nothing was ever holding me back except me…
Many blessings and All Love
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