Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fairness, the conversation that started it all...

It was a cold day back in March, when a client and I started chatting about family and how we tend to take on some of our Mothers traits..

For example how we load the dishwasher or fold the laundry and how sometimes we take that to the extreme as if there could be no other way, to do either of those things.. Which of course brought me to my moment of clarity, fairness is a feeling.. And if we chose, life can in fact feel fair, we may never be equal to someone but we can always find a way, so that all involved can feel that they have been treated fairly.. I don't think the fight for equality is something that we can actually achieve.. Everyone has their own interests, desires and strengths, so how could any of of us think it's possible to be equal.. Until we are all the "same" we will never have equality.. We can however achieve a feeling of being treated fairly, and still honor each other's interests and strength, so that all involved feel good.. And then, in that way, everybody wins!!

So this was the conversation that started it all. My hope for this blog, is that, I'll have an outlet for all the weird and interesting and deep conversations that come from my massage practice.. In addition to giving me an opportunity to continue with writing prayers and making myself feel more complete! Feel free to post any questions, I'll check and answer as often as I can, so keep checking in.. Lot's to come!!

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